Use the Connection tab to specify how to connect to Microsoft® SQL Server® data.

This Connection tab is provider-specific and displays only the connection properties that are required by the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft SQL Server.

Option Description

Server name

Select a server name from the drop-down list, or type the location of the server where the database you want to access is located. Selecting the database on the server is a separate action. Refresh the list by clicking Refresh.

Use Windows NT Integrated security

Click to specify that the provider will request a secure (or trusted) connection to a SQL Server instance running on Microsoft Windows NT. When selected, SQL Server uses integrated login security to establish connections using this data source, regardless of the current login security mode at the server. Any login ID or password supplied is ignored. The SQL Server system administrator must have associated your Microsoft Windows network ID with a SQL Server login ID.

Use a specific user name and password

Click to use a supplied user name and password to authenticate your login information to the data source.

User name

Type the User ID to use for authentication when you log on to the data source.


Type the password to use for authentication when you log on to the data source.

Blank password

Enables the specified provider to return a blank password in the connection string.

Allow saving password

Allows the password to be saved with the connection string. Whether the password is included in the connection string depends on the functionality of the calling application.

If saved, the password is returned and saved unmasked and unencrypted.

Select database

Use one of these methods:

  • Type the database name that you want to access.
  • Attach an SQL database file as a database name. Type the database name to use for the attached SQL database file.
  • For SQL Server versions 6.5 and earlier, type the database file name to attach. Then type the name of the single-file database file. To browse for the file, click the button.

Test Connection

Click to attempt a connection to the specified data source. If the connection fails, ensure that the settings are correct. For example, spelling errors and case sensitivity can cause failed connections.


For more Data Link connection information, see the Data Link API Overview on MSDN.