Use the following steps to edit text in the Script Pane. You can copy, cut, paste, find, and replace text. You can also undo and redo the last action you just performed. The keyboard shortcuts for performing these actions are the same as those used for all Windows applications.

To enter text in the Script Pane

  1. Move the cursor to the Script Pane by clicking anywhere in the Script Pane, or by clicking Go to Script Pane in the View menu.

  2. Create a script. Syntax coloring and tab completion make this a richer experience in Windows PowerShell ISE.

  3. See How to Use Tab Completion in the Script Pane and the Command Pane for details about using the tab completion feature to help in typing.

To find text in the Script Pane

  1. To find text anywhere, on the Edit menu, click Find in Script.

  2. To find text after the cursor, on the Edit menu, click Find Next in Script.

  3. To find text before the cursor, on the Edit menu, click Find Previous in Script.

To go to a particular line of text in the Script Pane

  1. In the Script Pane, on the Edit menu, click Go to Line.

  2. Enter a line number.

To copy text in the Script Pane

  1. In the Script Pane, select the text that you want to copy.

  2. On the toolbar, click Copy, or on the Edit menu, click Copy.


    The shortcut CTRL+C can be used to copy selected text when a selection has been made. The shortcut CTRL+C can be used to stop the execution of a command when no text has been selected.

To cut text in the Script Pane

  1. In the Script Pane, select the text that you want to cut.

  2. On the toolbar, click Cut, or on the Edit menu, click Cut.

To paste text into the Script Pane

On the toolbar, click Paste, or on the Edit menu, click Paste.

To undo an action in the Script Pane

On the toolbar, click Undo, or on the Edit menu, click Undo.

To redo an action in the Script Pane

On the toolbar, click Redo, or on the Edit menu, click Redo.

To replace text in the Script Pane

On the Edit menu, click Replace in Script.

See Also

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