The Options object represents various settings for the Windows PowerShell ISE. It is an instance of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEOptions class.



Restores the default values of the token colors.

# Changes the color of the comments in the script to red and then restores it to its default value.


Restores the default values of all options settings. It also resets the behavior of various warning messages that provide the standard check box for "Don't show me this message again."

# Changes the background color in the Command Pane and then restores it to its default value.
$psISE.Options.CommandPaneBackground = "orange"



Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the Command Pane editor. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color of the Command Pane to orange. 
$psISE.Options.CommandPaneBackground = "orange"


Read/write property that gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the Command Pane is located above the Output Pane.

# Moves the Command Pane to the top of the screen.
$psISE.Options.CommandPaneUp  = $true


Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the debug text that appears in the Output Pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color for the debug text that appears in the Output Pane to blue. 
$psISE.Options.DebugBackgroundColor ='#0000FF'


Read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for the debug text that appears in the Output Pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the foreground color for the debug text that appears in the Output Pane to yellow. 
$psISE.Options.DebugForegroundColor =”yellow”


Read-only property that gets the default values of the option settings.

# Displays the name of the default options. 
# Here is a typical listing of the default options:
SelectedScriptPaneState       : Right
ShowToolBar                   : True
TokenColors                   : {[Attribute, #FFADD8E6], [Command, #FF0000FF], [Com
                                mandArgument, #FF8A2BE2], [CommandParameter, #FF000
DefaultOptions                : Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEOptions
FontSize                      : 12
FontName                      : Lucida Console
ErrorForegroundColor          : #FF0000FF
ErrorBackgroundColor          : #00FFFFFF
WarningForegroundColor        : #FFFF8C00
WarningBackgroundColor        : #00FFFFFF
VerboseForegroundColor        : #FF0000FF
VerboseBackgroundColor        : #00FFFFFF
DebugForegroundColor          : #FF0000FF
DebugBackgroundColor          : #00FFFFFF
OutputPaneBackgroundColor     : #FFF0F8FF
OutputPaneTextBackgroundColor : #FFF0F8FF
OutputPaneForegroundColor     : #FF000000
CommandPaneBackgroundColor    : #FFFFFFFF
ScriptPaneBackgroundColor     : #FFFFFFFF
ShowWarningForDuplicateFiles  : True
ShowWarningBeforeSavingOnRun  : True
UseLocalHelp                  : True
CommandPaneUp                 : False


Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the error text that appears in the Output Pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color for the error text that appears in the Output Pane to black. 


Read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for the error text that appears in the Output Pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the foreground color for the error text that appears in the Output Pane to green. 
$psISE.Options.ErrorForegroundColor =”green”


Read/write property that gets or sets the font name currently in use in the Script Pane, Command Pane and the Output Pane.

# Changes the font used in all the panes. 
$psISE.Options.FontName = "courier new"


Read/write property that gets or sets the font size (an integer) used in the Script Pane, Command Pane and the Output Pane. The valid range of values is (8, 32).

# Changes the font size in all the panes.
$psISE.Options.FontSize = 20


Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the Output Pane itself. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Changes the background color of the Output Pane to gold. 
$psISE.Options.OutputPaneForegroundColor = "gold"


Read/write property that changes the foreground color of the text in the Output Pane.

# Changes the foreground color of the text in the Output Pane to blue.
$psISE.Options.OutputPaneTextForegroundColor  = "blue"


Read/write property that changes the background color of the text in the Output Pane.

# Changes the background color of the Output Pane text to pink. 
$psISE.Options.OutputPaneTextBackgroundColor = "pink"


Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for files. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.

# Sets the color of the script pane background to yellow.
$psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor = ”yellow”


Read/Write property that gets or sets the foreground color for non-script files in the script pane. To set the foreground color for script files use the TokenColors property.

# Sets the foreground to color of non-script files in the script pane to green.
$psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor = ”green”


Read/write property that gets or sets the position of the Script Pane on the display. The possible values are “top”, “right”, and “Maximized”.

# Moves the Script Pane to the top
$psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = "Top"
# Moves the Script Pane to the right.
$psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = "Right"
# Maximizes the Script Pane
$psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = "Maximized"


Read/write Boolean property that determines whether the tool bar is visible.

# Show the tool bar.
$psISe.Options.ShowToolBar = $true


Read/write property that gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether a warning message is displayed when a script is saved automatically before it is run.

# Sets the option to display a warning message 
# when an attempt is made to save a script before running it.


Read/write property that gets or sets a Boolean value that causes a warning message to appear when the same file is opened in different PowerShell tabs.

# Set the ShowWarningForDuplicateFiles property to true. 
$psISE.Options.ShowWarningForDuplicateFiles = $true
# The following  message is displayed: “A copy of this file
# is open in another PowerShell Tab. Changes made to this
# file will affect all open copies.”


A property that gets a dictionary object that contains name/value pairs of token types and colors for the Command Pane and the Script Pane.

# Sets the color of commands to green.
$psISE.Options.TokenColors["Command"] = "green"
# Sets the color of keywords to magenta.
$psISE.Options.TokenColors["Keyword"] = "magenta"


Read/write property that gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the local help or the online help is displayed.

# Sets the option for the online help to be displayed. 


Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the verbose text that appears in the Output Pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color Object.

# Changes the background color for the verbose text that appears in the Output Pane to blue. 
$psISE.Options.VerboseBackgroundColor ='#0000FF'


Read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for the verbose text that appears in the Output Pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color Object.

# Changes the foreground color for the verbose text that appears in the Output Pane to yellow. 
$psISE.Options.VerboseForegroundColor =”yellow”


Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the warning text that appears in the Output Pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color Object.

# Changes the background color for the warning text that appears in the Output Pane to blue. 
$psISE.Options.WarningBackgroundColor ='#0000FF'


Read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for the warning text that appears in the Output Pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color Object.

# Changes the foreground color for the warning text that appears in the Output Pane to yellow. 
$psISE.Options.WarningForegroundColor =”yellow”

See Also

Table Of Contents