The Options object represents various settings for the Windows PowerShell ISE. It is an instance of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEOptions class.
Restores the default values of the token colors.
# Changes the color of the comments in the script to red and then restores it to its default value. $psISE.Options.TokenColors["Comment"]="red" $psISE.Options.RestoreDefaultTokenColors()
Restores the default values of all options settings. It also resets the behavior of various warning messages that provide the standard check box for "Don't show me this message again."
# Changes the background color in the Command Pane and then restores it to its default value. $psISE.Options.CommandPaneBackground = "orange" $psISE.Options.RestoreDefaults()
Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the Command Pane editor. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.
# Changes the background color of the Command Pane to orange. $psISE.Options.CommandPaneBackground = "orange"
Read/write property that gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the Command Pane is located above the Output Pane.
# Moves the Command Pane to the top of the screen. $psISE.Options.CommandPaneUp = $true
Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the debug text that appears in the Output Pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.
# Changes the background color for the debug text that appears in the Output Pane to blue. $psISE.Options.DebugBackgroundColor ='#0000FF'
Read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for the debug text that appears in the Output Pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.
# Changes the foreground color for the debug text that appears in the Output Pane to yellow. $psISE.Options.DebugForegroundColor =”yellow”
Read-only property that gets the default values of the option settings.
# Displays the name of the default options. $psISE.Options.DefaultOptions
# Here is a typical listing of the default options: SelectedScriptPaneState : Right ShowToolBar : True TokenColors : {[Attribute, #FFADD8E6], [Command, #FF0000FF], [Com mandArgument, #FF8A2BE2], [CommandParameter, #FF000 080]...} DefaultOptions : Microsoft.PowerShell.Host.ISE.ISEOptions FontSize : 12 FontName : Lucida Console ErrorForegroundColor : #FF0000FF ErrorBackgroundColor : #00FFFFFF WarningForegroundColor : #FFFF8C00 WarningBackgroundColor : #00FFFFFF VerboseForegroundColor : #FF0000FF VerboseBackgroundColor : #00FFFFFF DebugForegroundColor : #FF0000FF DebugBackgroundColor : #00FFFFFF OutputPaneBackgroundColor : #FFF0F8FF OutputPaneTextBackgroundColor : #FFF0F8FF OutputPaneForegroundColor : #FF000000 CommandPaneBackgroundColor : #FFFFFFFF ScriptPaneBackgroundColor : #FFFFFFFF ShowWarningForDuplicateFiles : True ShowWarningBeforeSavingOnRun : True UseLocalHelp : True CommandPaneUp : False
Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the error text that appears in the Output Pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.
# Changes the background color for the error text that appears in the Output Pane to black. $psISE.Options.ErrorBackgroundColor="black"
Read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for the error text that appears in the Output Pane. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.
# Changes the foreground color for the error text that appears in the Output Pane to green. $psISE.Options.ErrorForegroundColor =”green”
Read/write property that gets or sets the font name currently in use in the Script Pane, Command Pane and the Output Pane.
# Changes the font used in all the panes. $psISE.Options.FontName = "courier new"
Read/write property that gets or sets the font size (an integer) used in the Script Pane, Command Pane and the Output Pane. The valid range of values is (8, 32).
# Changes the font size in all the panes. $psISE.Options.FontSize = 20
Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the Output Pane itself. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.
# Changes the background color of the Output Pane to gold. $psISE.Options.OutputPaneForegroundColor = "gold"
Read/write property that changes the foreground color of the text in the Output Pane.
# Changes the foreground color of the text in the Output Pane to blue. $psISE.Options.OutputPaneTextForegroundColor = "blue"
Read/write property that changes the background color of the text in the Output Pane.
# Changes the background color of the Output Pane text to pink. $psISE.Options.OutputPaneTextBackgroundColor = "pink"
Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for files. It is an instance of the System.Windows.Media.Color class.
# Sets the color of the script pane background to yellow. $psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor = ”yellow”
Read/Write property that gets or sets the foreground color for non-script files in the script pane. To set the foreground color for script files use the TokenColors property.
# Sets the foreground to color of non-script files in the script pane to green. $psISE.Options.ScriptPaneBackgroundColor = ”green”
Read/write property that gets or sets the position of the Script Pane on the display. The possible values are “top”, “right”, and “Maximized”.
# Moves the Script Pane to the top $psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = "Top" # Moves the Script Pane to the right. $psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = "Right" # Maximizes the Script Pane $psISE.Options.SelectedScriptPaneState = "Maximized"
Read/write Boolean property that determines whether the tool bar is visible.
# Show the tool bar. $psISe.Options.ShowToolBar = $true
Read/write property that gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether a warning message is displayed when a script is saved automatically before it is run.
# Sets the option to display a warning message # when an attempt is made to save a script before running it. $psISE.Options.ShowWarningBeforeSavingOnRun=$true
Read/write property that gets or sets a Boolean value that causes a warning message to appear when the same file is opened in different PowerShell tabs.
# Set the ShowWarningForDuplicateFiles property to true. $psISE.Options.ShowWarningForDuplicateFiles = $true # The following message is displayed: “A copy of this file # is open in another PowerShell Tab. Changes made to this # file will affect all open copies.”
A property that gets a dictionary object that contains name/value pairs of token types and colors for the Command Pane and the Script Pane.
# Sets the color of commands to green. $psISE.Options.TokenColors["Command"] = "green" # Sets the color of keywords to magenta. $psISE.Options.TokenColors["Keyword"] = "magenta"
Read/write property that gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the local help or the online help is displayed.
# Sets the option for the online help to be displayed. $psISE.Options.LocalHelp=$false
Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the verbose text that appears in the Output Pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color Object.
# Changes the background color for the verbose text that appears in the Output Pane to blue. $psISE.Options.VerboseBackgroundColor ='#0000FF'
Read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for the verbose text that appears in the Output Pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color Object.
# Changes the foreground color for the verbose text that appears in the Output Pane to yellow. $psISE.Options.VerboseForegroundColor =”yellow”
Read/write property that gets or sets the background color for the warning text that appears in the Output Pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color Object.
# Changes the background color for the warning text that appears in the Output Pane to blue. $psISE.Options.WarningBackgroundColor ='#0000FF'
Read/write property that gets or sets the foreground color for the warning text that appears in the Output Pane. It is a System.Windows.Media.Color Object.
# Changes the foreground color for the warning text that appears in the Output Pane to yellow. $psISE.Options.WarningForegroundColor =”yellow”
See Also