The concept behind the expanded navigation features in Windows PowerShell is the Windows PowerShell drive.
Windows PowerShell drives can be created in any data store that is available in Windows PowerShell, and they can have any valid name, such as C: or "My Drive", followed by a colon (:). You can navigate in them by using that same methods that you would use in a file system drive. However, the Windows PowerShell drives are visible only in Windows PowerShell. You cannot see them or gain access to them in Windows Explorer or Cmd.exe.
Windows PowerShell comes with several useful drives which are supported by Windows PowerShell providers. To see a list of Windows PowerShell drives, type:
You can also create your own Windows PowerShell drives by using the New-PsDrive cmdlet. For example, to create a new drive called "MyDocs:" that is rooted in your My Documents directory, type:
new-psdrive -name MyDocs -psprovider FileSystem -root "$home\My Documents"
You can now use the MyDocs: drive as you would any other drive. You can change your location to it, enumerate its contents, and change its properties.